Case: Highly water- and air-permeable pavement
EnviaPaveTM utilizes the principle of binding suitable mixes of crushed stone with polyurethane to yield a strong, water- and air-permeable surface. Many interconnected voids and hence a high degree of porosity. Given suitably absorbent ground, rainwater can percolate effectively and replenish aquifers.
Case: Open-pored Revetment for Coastal and Riverbank protection
EnviaCoastTM is a novel, polyurethane binder for revetments in coastal areas and stabilization of riverbanks. An open-pored structure that removes the destructive energy of wave run-up. Also used as a submerged breakwater proven to be ideal for marine plant restoration.
Case: Regnvandskassette - faskine
Climate change is changing precipitation patterns across throughout the globe. Rainstorms and flooding events are increasing in both frequency and severity. In recent years, the end of May to early June marks the beginning of flood season for Europeans, who brace for the inevitable: heavy rainstorms, flooding, and urban havoc.
Case: Regnvandskassette - faskine
Trees make cities come alive. The oxygen produced by the trees contributes to improved air quality and a more vibrant urban environment. And with high temperatures in summer, the trees act as a form of the cities' natural 'air conditioning'. Wavin's TreeTank® is a root cell system that optimizes the roots' growth conditions under the city's paved surfaces.
Case: Topstyret vindue med glidebeslag
Et Topstyret vindue til helsårsbolig, der er monteret med glidebeslag og åbnes ved, at den nederste del af rammen skubbes ud, og den øverste del af rammen samtidig bevæger sig lidt ned.