Case: EPS Trinlyd
Sundolitt Trinlyd til gulv for 20.000 m2 psykiatrisk hospital ved Skejby sygehus, Århus..
Case: EPS Radonsugplade
Entreprenør Erling Jensen A/S anvender Sundolitt RadonSafety egnet til byggeriet af ALDI-butik.
Case: XPS isolering
38.000 m2 Sundolitt XPS isolering til omvendt tag for parkeringsdæk ved stort indkøbscenter.
Case: EPS Tagisolering
Sundolitt Kombitag består af en Sundolitt isolering, som kan være EPS og/eller XPS samt en Sundolitt MW (mineraluld). Al isolering til tagfladen leveres således af samme leverandør og giver en enkel og effektiv logistik. Renoveringsopgaver vil ligeledes stort set altid med fordel kunne løses med Sundolitt Kombitag.
Case: EPS Letfyld
Entreprenørfirmaet CG Jensen etablerede et 1,5-2 meter bærende dæk hen over Metrostation Frederiksberg Allé, i sig selv ikke spektakulært. Men bygges et seksetagers byggeri ovenpå, kræves ekstraordinære tiltag.
Case: EPS Gulvvarme
Sundolitt Gulvvarme til 1.700 m2 kontorer for teknikproducenten Sondex i Kolding. Sundolitt Gulvvarme er velegnet til svømmende gulve – træ, gips, laminat mv. og kræver ikke pladsstøbt beton. Særligt velegnet med sin hurtige reaktionstid til lavenergibyggerier samt renoveringer.
Case: Plastic chips designed to act as a substrate for growth of microbiology
Biowater Technology delivers market leading sustainable treatment technologies. Significant focus is given to ensuring their biomedia is supplied and fabricated in the most sustainable way. Biowater Technology intends to ensure their biomedia remains a best in class sustainable product.
Case: Facade- og tagplader
Harboørehallen i Vestjylland er klædt i Gallina arcoPlus multiwall plader, som er en type facadeplader med gode isolationsegenskaber, høj lysgennemgang og holdbarhed.
Case: Acrylic sheet material made from recycled MMA
CRYLUX®re, an acrylic sheet material made using recycled acrylic, used in shopping mall with various vivid colours. Panels cut to required dimensions from original size of sheet 3050x2030 mm.
Case: Family houses insulated with modern insulation
Modern Plastic Insulation allows for aesthetically pleasing, fire safe and sustainable construction. In the Modern Insulation Village you can see how the entire building envelope can be insulated by various uses of modern insulation, in design that comply the strictest fire and climate regulations.
Case: Recycled plastic board for furniture purposes, agriculture, construction, and many others
EKOply is recycled plastic board produced in the technology of forming in dies, where the process of plasticizing the raw material, which is waste in a properly prepared form, takes place. Raw material come from wastes of municipality, agriculture and household. Ekoply appears as a board sized 2440 x 1220 mm. Two types of thickness: 12.5 and 19 mm. Two types of surfaces: Standard and Anti-Slip.
Case: Hard Flooring
Bolon is a Swedish design company specialized in innovative and sustainable flooring and rugs solutions for public spaces.
Case: Surfboard in recycled materials
Columbus surfboard made in recycled EPS foam and eco friendly epoxy resin.
Case: Flerlagskanalplade i polycarbonat
Gallina Arcoplus fra Vink Plast er en flerlags kanalplade i polycarbonat, der er designet som et letvægtsalternativ til traditionelle byggematerialer såsom glas eller metal.
Case: Kanalplader i flere lag af polycarbonat
Lexan Thermoclear er kanalplader i flere lag af polycarbonat. De er designet til at give en kombination af holdbarhed, æstetik og gode isoleringsegenskaber kombineret med en lav vægt.
Case: Flooring in vinyl
iQ Surface is an ultra-resistant, homogeneous flooring solution in vinyl. The floor can be restored to its original expression with simple dry buffing. When it’s time to change the floor, Tarkett takes it back via ReStart® and recycles it into new floors. This reduces the carbon footprint to 3,83 CO2/m2.
Case: Fibreglass profiles and planks
Structural profiles and planks made from fibreglass provide a resource-saving and energy-efficient alternative to traditional materials such as steel, wood, aluminium and concrete. With advantages such as high strength, low weight and high corrosion resistance, fibreglass finds wide application in construction and for industrial purposes.
Case: Fibreglass facade plank
With unique insulating properties, low weight, and excellent durability fibreglass facade planks enable energy-efficient end solutions. Together with an invisible mounting system and low weight it provides unique aesthetic possibilities for the benefit of the final design.
Case: Ground sewer pipe
Pipelife Sweden was commissioned to supply PVC pipes for the Project Hoppet, which will be applied for soil & waste, sewage and stormwater drainage with low a footprint as possible.
Case: Membrane filtration module for wastewater treatment
By 2050, it is estimated that the mass of plastics in the oceans will exceed the mass of fish. In a Danish research project, Alfa Laval MBR membranes demonstrated their effectiveness in removing microplastics from wastewater, which are having devastating effects on marine life.