Lunchtime Debate: How do we Measure Sustainability in the Construction Sector?
Join us for the engaging lunchtime event and panel debate on Wednesday, July 5 from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM as we discuss the topic of measuring sustainability in the construction sector.
Morning Session with Ditte Lysgaard Vind: Designing for Circularity
Join us for a morning session Wednesday, July 5, from 9-10 am, featuring Ditte Lysgaard Vind, an esteemed author, circular economy and design expert, and practitioner.
Talks: Unleashing Sustainability in Architecture - The Case of PVC Recycling
As architects, you are the custodians of the built environment. The sustainability of the materials you select is paramount. We invite you to join us for a series of enlightening talks that will redefine your perception of PVC and its role in sustainable architecture.
For uddannelsesaktører: Rundvisning, debat og netværk i Plastic Pavilion
Arbejder du med uddannelse, og ønsker du at få mere viden og praktisk erfaring med plast og genanvendelse? Så kan du deltage i fremvisning, netværk og videndeling i Plastic Pavilion den 26. juni klokken 14:00.