Case: Facade- og tagplader
Gallina arcoPlus multiwall er plader til beklædning af facader og tag. Materialet kan ses på Viborg Streetmekka, hvor pladerne er brugt for sin æstetik, høje lysgennemgang og gode isolationsegenskaber.
Case: Farmaceutisk emballage
Gerresheimer Vaerloese A/S har udviklet og produceret beholdere og låg til medicinsk emballage i knap 60 år. Medicinsk emballage skal fremstilles af nyt materiale og ikke genbrugeligt.
Case: Highly water- and air-permeable pavement
EnviaPaveTM utilizes the principle of binding suitable mixes of crushed stone with polyurethane to yield a strong, water- and air-permeable surface. Many interconnected voids and hence a high degree of porosity. Given suitably absorbent ground, rainwater can percolate effectively and replenish aquifers.
Case: Open-pored Revetment for Coastal and Riverbank protection
EnviaCoastTM is a novel, polyurethane binder for revetments in coastal areas and stabilization of riverbanks. An open-pored structure that removes the destructive energy of wave run-up. Also used as a submerged breakwater proven to be ideal for marine plant restoration.
Case: Regnvandskassette - faskine
Climate change is changing precipitation patterns across throughout the globe. Rainstorms and flooding events are increasing in both frequency and severity. In recent years, the end of May to early June marks the beginning of flood season for Europeans, who brace for the inevitable: heavy rainstorms, flooding, and urban havoc.
Case: Regnvandskassette - faskine
Trees make cities come alive. The oxygen produced by the trees contributes to improved air quality and a more vibrant urban environment. And with high temperatures in summer, the trees act as a form of the cities' natural 'air conditioning'. Wavin's TreeTank® is a root cell system that optimizes the roots' growth conditions under the city's paved surfaces.
Case: Products for Heating Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Expanded PolyPropylene(EPP) is well used by the HVAC industry. EPP has many different properties that makes more than packaging. It has high insulation value, high durability and impact strength, corrosion resistance, light weight, recyclable and suitable reuse, and can be produced in 30% recycled material.
Case: Installation material - switches and sockets
LK FUGA® is a series of installation material – e.g. switches and socket outlets- which is produced in recycled plastic. Sockets for LK FUGA are made of 85% recycled material.
Case: Polyurethane Foam Mattress
Replacing a significant share of fossil resources with renewable ones has a positive impact on the environment. The raw materials obtained can be used for producing mattress foam and creating a finished product with the same high quality, durability and comfort of the polyurethane foam mattress.
Case: Topstyret vindue med glidebeslag
Et Topstyret vindue til helsårsbolig, der er monteret med glidebeslag og åbnes ved, at den nederste del af rammen skubbes ud, og den øverste del af rammen samtidig bevæger sig lidt ned.
Case: Isolering til varmtvandsinstallationer
Underfloor heating offers an efficient and convenient way to heat indoor spaces. However, uninsulated components may lead to significant energy losses. Dan-iso recycled polyurethane foam products provide outstanding thermal insulation performance, minimizing heat loss and maximizing energy efficiency.
Case: Protese i skalérbar 3D-printudgave
Bandagisten Sahva har indgået et samarbejde med Prototal Damvig om en skalérbar 3D printproduktion af kundetilpassede protester.
Case: Solceller fremstillet af plastic
Plastic solar cells have the potential for lowering the manufacturing cost by several orders of mag-nitude compared to the conventional silicon solar cells. This is because the processing can be done entirely from solution, without requiring high-vacuum or high-temperature steps.
Case: Isolering til hulmur og fladt tag
Til sit nye enfamiliehus i Risskov valgte Jens Thomsen IKO PIR isolering Enertherm Alu PIR isolering til hulmur og Enertherm Alu TAP PIR isolering til fladt tag.
Case: PIR tagisolering
Enertherm Alu NF Pro blev valgt som isolering, da Struer Fri- & Fagskole skulle renovere taget. NF Pro leveres med diffusionsåbent undertagsdug og monteres udvendigt, ovenpå spærene, hvilket optimerer det indvendige nettoareal.
Case: Plastic rug, woven in tradional shuttle looms
Pappelinas first BIO EDITION was introduced in 2022. This was a substantial step towards carbon neutrality for Pappelina, focusing on circularity and to reduce waste, reuse, and recycle the world’s resources.
Case: Smykkeserie i havplast samlet fra Vestkysten
Aeriel er unikke smykker i perler af havplast og rav – samlet og håndlavet i Thy.
Case: Gutter for greenhouses
At Primo's regrinding facilities for greenhouse gutters, the company recycles old gutters and offcuts, transforming them into granulated and powdered plastic. They integrate the re-used and coloured plastic material as the inner part of a new eco-friendly greenhouse gutter.
Case: Radon board for insulation
In Ugelbølle, Mols Denmark, Møllerens Hus A/S are building 29 terraced houses usingJackon Radon Board to prevent radon in the houses. The radon board can reduce radon concentration with up to 95%.
Case: Afspærringsventil til vandforsyningen
AVK’s POM stikledningsventiler er en central del af det netværk af rør og ventiler, der forsyner os alle med rent drikkevand.