Case: Pharmaceutical plastic vials
MedicoPack A/S a part of SP Group
Health by Design
ClearVial™ made of COC is a reliable and cost-effective alternative to glass vials.
Transparent, lightweight and with good impact strength, ClearVial™ is a breakthrough in primary packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Using the amorphous polymer, COC (Cyclic Olefin Copolymer), transparency is no longer an issue with plastic vials. ClearVial™ is delivered sterile and can be used direct in the filling line with no need for prewash, drying and sterilization. This saves water and energy. ClearVial™ comes in a standard range of 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 50ml and 100ml following ISO 8362 standard.
Benefits of ClearVial™
Packed in clean room ISO class 7 / EU-GMP class C.
Supplied Ready-To-Use - no wash needed before filling.
Are 100% transparent, enabling easy identification of fluid particles.
Offers good barrier properties.
High impact strength - provides a safer work environment.
Carmo supplies 10 tons of surplus plastic material each year to the Swedish bag manufacturer Hinza that transforms the material into designer bags. When Hinza uses the 10 tons of plastic each year, the recycling corresponds to a saving of approximately 22,000 kilos of emitted CO2 compared to if the material had been burned as waste material.
Stolen ”R.U.M” – som står for ReUsed Materials - fås i tre varianter, hvor råmaterialet til stolen enten er plast fra elektronikaffald, fiskenet fundet i havet eller et mix af fiskenet og Carlsbergs ølfustager.
Disposable medical devices from a growing network of Belgian hospitals are turned into aesthetic and long-lasting wall covering for healthcare facilities.
Bug Bite Thing® is made from PE and the product is re-usable. The company provides life-long guarantee which is part of their sustainability vision.
The big challenge in hospitals and clinics all over the world is how to fixate the biopsy in formalin without exposure to spillage or vapour. Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen which affects health in many nega-tive ways. Either when a person is exposed directly or through inhalation. Long term exposure to formaldehyde has been proven to be associated with an in-creased risk of cancer of the nose, nasopharyngeal and lung cancer.
Droneholdet har udviklet den første ”blended-box wing” drone. med et specielt vingedesign, som er udviklet for at gøre fly mere energieffektive. Konstruktionen af vingerne gør, at flyet bruger mindre energi på at holde sig flyvende.
Offshore wind energy is an important source of renewable energy. Decommissioned Vindeby blades were adopted by Technical University of Denmark, DTU Wind, and are currently used in ongoing project activity investigating the fibre-reinforced composite structures.
Giv nyt liv til dine injektionspenne fra Novo Nordisk, Lilly, Sanofi og Merck. Tag dine brugte penne med på apoteket eller din fertilitetsklinik. Materialerne får herefter nyt liv frem for at ende som affald.
The bio garage set is developed and produced to ensure the future growth of sustainable plastic products with focus on sustainable materials, production, play and learn, recycled to become a new item again. The raw material is renewable and made from residuals of the sugarcane production.
All LifeStraw products start with advanced hollow fiber membrane technology. Picture bundles of straws with microscopic holes in them, so small that organisms like bacteria, parasites, and even dirt and microplastics cannot pass through. Think of a super advanced spaghetti strainer or tea sieve.